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January 29, 2012


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Tyler Zey

I'm still trying to reconcile my love for Steve Job's with the news from this press coverage. It's hard to imagine how he could be so ignorate in this one manner when he was so controlling in every other capacity.


Uhh ... "ignorant"? How about "didn't care about the people who were working for him"?

Admiring someone who is successful, smart, and has changed the world in a way that's good for you (and me - I'm never without my iPhone, personally) is one thing. Loving someone because s/he has shown respect, caring and love for his/her neighbors is something else.

Ernst & Ernest

I am expendable. Ernst is disposable.

We applied for a single job and while we didn't qualify individually together we were "eminently qualified" and now find ourselves gainfully employed if a little cold and hungry at times.

Chin up! :-) :-)

Prentice Zinn

The parable of St. Steve is instructive.

We all need morals tutors - especially now that corporations are people.

Maybe we also need an app on our iphones to calculate a moral blindness index of our triple-bottom, social venture, blended capital social innovations.

WTC readers will enjoy Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory produced by NPR’s This American Life.

It explores the Dickensian dark side of the business of our beloved “tyrannical, stingy, tweaker”.



E & E, we are all disposable, our organs for sale on the international market even as we live and breathe. Very soon the powerful will conclude that it's more profitable to kill the middle class than give them jobs. The poor will be hired on a temporary basis to sing dirges and dig graves before they're shooed back into their tin shacks.

Sally Wilde

I'm getting blended with a glass of Pinot Grigio.


Albert, have you ever considered writing about Nozick versus Rawls in the light of increasing wealth disparity? Have our current arrangmenents lost their legitimacy? It strikes me that the free market has now exceeded the nation state, that the state is unwilling or unable to guarantee minimal rights to its citizens. You want a job? We have jobs in the factory/barracks at $17 a day, otherwise not. That is Freedom. Red China has come a long way and so have we.


Nozick famously countenanced adults entering voluntarily into non-coercive slave contracts, a conclusion he might have repudiated or reinterpreted as he grew older--I don't know. But you know all the moves in the philosophical game: after the first volley or two, we're splitting hairs over the felicity conditions for a fair contract, picking at the notion of coerciveness.

If we were back at the Academy, and there was a resurgence of interest in Anarchy, State, and Utopia, it might be worth the effort. Seems to me you take the wiser course as morals tutor, helping to mobilize those of us who intuit (correctly, in my view) that all that Nozick stuff is a shell game, a reductio ad absurdum of a philosophical enterprise that advances some careers while leaving the world morally impoverished. Rawls was feeling his way toward something good and fair. I don't know what Nozick was trying to do.

Prentice Zinn

Phil asks: "Have our current arrangements lost their legitimacy?"

This guy says its a done deal:

Sheldon S. Wolen. "Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism" (2010)

He bummed me out so much that I'm considering cashing in my social impact bonds and moving to a nice cave in the Sierra Tarahumara.

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