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October 16, 2011


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I, for one, second the third suggestion, especially. Real or imagined rules about what we *can't* say often prevent the frank meeting of minds we need to have about race. Within these conversations, we need to be brave enough to allow ourselves to look like idiots, and supportive enough of one another for that to be OK.


Judging from past experience, there will be plenty of opportunities for us all to look like idiots.


A whore and a pimp sit in a van with a pr0n hound drinking beer and smoking crack.

A - The funny thing is, you're afraid of us!

B - The funny thing is, we're afraid of each other.

Political talk should end quickly, and it did. No one good ever came from it.


Somewhat telling, I think, that even on a blog such as this, the conversation hasn't really gone anywhere.

My operating theory right now is that white people need to learn how to talk about race. And probably among themselves. Clearly this would require at least one "conscious" white person to lead or facilitate. But my experience has been that most of these conversations hit a wall when whites refuse to consider their own racisms or prejudices. And there's the lingering fear of being accused of racism.

If we could get a critical mass of white folks to seriously consider the prospect of white priviledge, we might get somewhere.

And while I agree that these conversations need to move into a place where a diverse set of folks can discuss, I do think we're still in this place where white folks continue to rely on people of color to teach them about race. Just a long as those people of color don't accuse us of racism.

Christina Gallegos

The conversation Will Not go anywhere until White people understand their role in the "game". If you haven't, you should read: "Nothing to Add, the function of white silence in racial dialogues." by Robin DiAngelo, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Westfield State College (soon to be published in the Journal for Understanding and Dismantling Priviledge). This should get you started. Christina Gallegos, Mosaic Nation

Susan Naimark

I agree that white people need to learn to talk about race AND RACISM, including our own contributions to it, sometimes by doing nothing more than taking advantage of our privileged place in society. Check out the book I wrote to instigate such conversations, EducationofaWhiteParent.com.

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