We read with great interest the recent New York Times article describing plans to address California’s $36 billion deficit. Our understanding is that while the state’s health insurance program for children, Healthy Families, will remain in the budget, it will also be cut by $144 million. According to the article, thousands of children who need health care will be placed on a waiting list unless "a private foundation makes up the balance," something the Legislature apparently hopes will happen soon.
Sir, those of us who blog at the White Courtesy Telephone work at foundations that have very little by way of discretionary assets. We are nevertheless writing to offer to restore the $144 million in cuts. Apart from your undying gratitude, all we ask is that you and the Legislature grant us the power to levy taxes on California residents, a power you have but are apparently too faint of heart to exercise.
We philanthropoids are many things, sir, but we are not girlie men.
We look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
The White Courtesy Telephone Team
Here is an excellent example of one cause for social justice stepping on another to make its point. There's no need to blatantly promote sexism in your call for Governor Schwarzenegger to protect CA charities. Shame on you.
Posted by: Cheryl | July 29, 2009 at 03:10 PM
Cheryl, you’ve accidentally visited a scurrilous blog infamous for its lack of good taste. Not only is it sexist, it also invites posts from Communist hardliners and demonstrates an appalling insensitivity to matters of race, a subject which, I'm sure you'll agree, should be treated with reverential circumspection. I don't have space enough here to catalogue all of this blog's sins but rather assume you'll do a good job of discovering them on your own. I also trust your scolding will help the author realize how much progress those of us in the progressive community still have to make before we see ourselves held together by the bonds of love and comraderie.
Posted by: Albert | July 29, 2009 at 07:18 PM