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April 04, 2009


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Bruce Trachtenberg

Welcome back! We missed you.

Albert Ruesga

Thanks, Bruce. Once we complete an update of the Greater New Orleans Foundation website (due out this summer), we'll have a new blog there. Don't know what to name it yet. The Electric Muffuletta? The Po' Blog? something else?

Bruce Trachtenberg

I vote for the Po' Blog. Just make sure you make it hot and spicy, with lots of attitude.


Albert, for all your liberal talk, I notice that you have not promoted Stuart Johnson, Dixie Moline, or Sally Wilde to blog in your absence. Shame! Will it always be white men at white courtesy telephone or silence?

Albert Ruesga

I haven't heard from the Countess Apraxina since she flew down to Washington with Rick Wagoner. Parrr-tee.

Sean Stannard-Stockton

Nice post Albert. Glad to see you back! I hope you stick to it and give us a strong voice out of a community foundation. That's an online voice that's sorely needed.


Thanks, Sean. Wish I could say I was back. I'm glad at least to be able to drop in every once in a while. I need to lure Sally Wilde away from moonlighting at the Naughty Bits Cybercafe so she can start blogging again. Stuart Johnson hasn't been the same ever since someone told him we were living in a "post-Black" America. We might invite Dr. Nescafe back to help us interpret that one.

Hope your work goes well.

Rich DAmato

Good post, Albert...
The exhortation for foundations to be better than they think they are is right on. Of your 6 measures, I most like number 6...the good foundations could engender by publicly sharing what they know and have learned in ways that ordinary folks can absorb and use to inform their own giving would be immeasurable. It was/is one of the great things about your work (and that of others) at Meyer...your annual reports).

Hope you're well...

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