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October 10, 2007


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Dee Hicks

Mr. Anthropoid thank you for this article. I'll be in touch by email to follow up. As you know, kids are my passion. This kind of stuff just breaks my heart.

Tidy Sum

Are the folks at WCT tapping my phone again?

Cause this week I've been having some really great conversations with advocates in the field about how we need to bust out of our stupor on how we talk about human rights and how we take action.

As you suggest, the concepts should not be as abstract or invisible as they are. They are in House 5-- they are everywhere but we have become strangely blinded and complacent. What gives?

I have been energized by a few leaders in the field who are explopring how we can be deliberate in move beyond our narrow conversations with our narrow set of allies about our issue of the day.

Most of these social issues that we say we are fighting for are often rooted in notions of human rights.

But have they somehow gotten lost in our logic models, our narratives of victimhood and otherness, and our bureaucratized practice focused on minor battles?

What distracts us from these fundamental notions of human dignity that should guide our work?

Thank you for this posting.

(By the way, I read Enrique's Journey at WCT's recommendation. It has been a touchstone for me as I think about our moral responsiblity).

Albert Ruesga

I'm moved by your comments, TS. Yours are, or should be, the fundamental questions for our field. Somewhere far above our shared biology, and somewhere beyond the usual slogans about the brotherhood of man, there's a humbling, impossible truth about the dignity of every human being. Art can take us there; crisis can put us in that space. How do we get past the maddening calm of our work to a sense of urgency? How do we conquer the notion that being busy is a mark of meaningful activity?

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