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July 29, 2007


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O Lucky Man

It's not a good sign that all I can think of is gross stuff. For the good of humanity, I shall withdraw. (Not a caption, I'm really saying this...)


Cow: Crazy as a loon. Thinks he’s a scientist or something. But I keep him around because I need the sex.

Enrique the Gay Philosopher

Scientist (to himself): A revolution is not a dinner party, nor is it doing embroidery.

Cow: Where the broom does not reach, the dust will not vanish of itself.

Girl: Ooo! We are the future of TV talk shows!


Cow: He says it’s a formula for making Albert’s blog posts readable.

Bruce Trachtenberg

I know this looks udderly ridiculous...but at least one of us is being transparent about the whole thing.

Bill Teese

"Ooo, Harriet. There's that dishy Doctor Norman. Did auntie Daisy ever tell you about that night where I introduced him to my Deleval Claw?"


like ouch.

Cantinjurya Milkshanks

Oh, they're not that bad. Let's just call it a milking cluster. Better, sweetie?

Felix del Campo

Mmm. Milking clusters.

Cow: It's going well, though you can see he's a bit fussy about his martinis. Now enough about us. Tell me more about your father's goiter.


Once I was just like you, now I am genetically enhanced.

Julio Marcial

Shhhh, I'm in disguise. If you see the donkey, tell him that Castro killed Michael Moore.

Miss Bean

COW: "Don't worry about a thing darling, just tell the good man how you never could have done it without their support. They love to hear they are making an impact."

Phil the Sore


Cow: He says it's a multiple halogenation of a methyl ketone in the presence of a base.

Girl: Ho-lee shit, a talking cow.


Cow:  I call him Bruddah Son, he me, Sistah Moo.

On his iPawed:  They are 1 person, they are too alone, they are 3 together, they are for each other...

Albert Ruesga


I have a day off, so I'm trying to resist checking comments--unsuccessfully.

Nasty Hababbitt

Man:  Cocorico!

Cow:  meuh...

Girl:  Honk?

(Lost in the mail)

Gary Gamage

"Take it from me, the man is obsessed with cows - I used to be his girlfriend."

Winnefred Thepooh

Oh, my dear, I assure you it was all quite innocent. He needed the milk and I needed the human growth hormone. Neither of us expected my genetic predisposition for speech or my proclivity for Southern dress. Be assured that he loves only you, although he would prefer bigger udders.


Cow: What animal goes "Oooo"? A cow without lips.

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