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March 11, 2007


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It must be pure magic at your house :-)


thanks for this post. its dark, but there's a lot of wisdom in it. what's your sense of whether new technologies can 'save us from ourselves'? do you think online social networks can change the basic equation?

Spartacus O'Neal

Well, like Reagan said, there's matter and doesn't matter.

Sally Wilde

I wouldn't underestimate the ability of certain places--virtual or otherwise--to encourage rich conversation and deliberation. Think of the all-night bull sessions in the undergraduate dorm, the banter in the barbershop, the exchanges in the coffeehouse. It obviously takes more than this.

I'm constantly surprised by how thin the conversation is at dinner parties attended by well educated people. There's the usual middle class decorum and the strictures on people who have children and careers. But we also suffer, I believe, from a kind of torpor that's very hard to overcome. Passion is as rare as it is beautiful. I'm happy to discover any kind of engagement with the world (even if it leads to tragedy). I suppose I'm also just an old grandmother who's easily bored.

jim yates


My name is Jim Yates. I’m an author and visual artist and live in Dublin.

My satirical novel, Oh! Père Lachaise: Oscar’s Wilde Purgatory, was launched last September at the Oscar Wilde House, Dublin. A limited hardback signed edition is available online. The paperback edition is to be launched next May in London. I can forward you the website if you wish.

It’s a tale about Oscar in a Parisian division of Purgatory in the company of Jim Morrison, Jane Avril, Chopin, Balzac, Musset, Delacroix, Edith Piaf, and Seurat, Colette and Proust. His soul is uneasy and his friends try to find a way of rescuing it from an eternity of pain. He confronts his sexuality under the guiding hand of the Divine Psychiatrist - A not to serious look at inflated egos and sexuality.

Perfect for the Wilde connoisseur.

The novel is being made into a play.

The web page can be found on my profile page.

Have a Happy New Year



Sally Wilde

Jim, thanks for your comment and congratulations on the launch of your novel. Please do send the link. I'm an admirer of Wilde--though certainly not a connoisseur. What made you think of dropping by here?

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