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July 26, 2006


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So you're saying that in 2235 only the hyperpoor will want to settle on Mars? or are they migrant farmers, harvesting giant hydroponic zucchinis? What makes Zork holo? It's not his holozork, is it? And isn't the iWeb Charity Accreditation thing a dystopic element? We need answers here.

Cool post, you zork.


Sorry. Forgot to ask flipper if that means he wants more halibut.


hi erasmus, in this case it is an expression of (almost) complete satisfaction. a wonderfully flowing good will. like when it is late spring, you have found a sheltered bay, you are suspended in the perfectly cool waters of your waking dream. yes, this is good. yes, this is cool and delightful. yes, this is to be shared. with you. and you. and you. peace, unforeskinned brothers. peace sisters and cloaked brothers too. peace mothers fathers daughters sons. peace and joy to you. joy and peace to you all. peace and peace and peace. hakak.


These are the voyages of the starship Philanthropic Enterprise, it's five year mission, etc, etc...

Albert Ruesga

The charity accreditation thing was definitely a Brazil moment in the post. I think it's a terrible idea for many reasons -- a topic worthy of future discussion on this blog. Let me know if you'd like to guest blog on this, e. I know you have strong feelings on the subject. No good ideas, just strong feelings :o)

Live long and hakak.

Hey, Mr. Mole: I haven't heard from Lenore in a long while. Are you in touch with her? My colleague Phil Anthropoid had a bit of a falling out with her a while back, and I know he'd like to make amends.


Ciao vez!

I will nose your regards out the molehole next time I imagine I am under her virtual petunias.  = : o

How is ol' Phil? He sure gave hakak a snap or two back in the day, eh? Heh-heh. Maybe Lenore didn't get his humor.


Concerning serious e-philanthropy, I would like to mnention here a new website of a non-profit NGO called Donationpixel.

Their goal is to collect money for different humanitarian projects around the world.

Their website offers the visibility of the donor - this could be interesting for many companies - the choice of the project and the country, and also the visibility of the work done in the field. They also give answers to different questions, like "Where goes my money?" or "what do they do with it?".

It seems to be an interesting new approach to encourage donations for vulnerablesin poor countries. The URL is


Maybe a new way to attract more donation.

Thanks for your attention.



While we are not martians, the vast majority of what you describe is alive and well at www.globalgiving.com. We've got 400+ projects around the world, totally vetted and searchable. And the feedback loops (not yet holographic, but they are push-emailed to your inbox/posted on the project's pages on the site) are in motion. Check us out - we'd love your feedback.
Donna from GG.

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